New Specific (Seed) Game = ═▌∩ ≤⌡πΩσΩ±Θ∞▌φ∩ ≡ßΘ≈φ▀ΣΘ
Can't find needed external DLL (mppsdk.dll). Please install it in your Kyodai directory and retry. You should find it on the Kyodai website at : = ─σφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß Γ±σΦσ▀ ▌φß DLL (mppsdk.dll). ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ σπΩß⌠▌≤⌠τ≤▌ ≤⌠∩φ Ωß⌠▄δ∩π∩ ⌠∩⌡ Kyodai ΩßΘ εßφß≡±∩≤≡▄Φτ≤σ. ╚ß ⌠∩ Γ±σ▀≥ ≤⌠τφ Θ≤⌠∩≤σδ▀Σß ⌠∩⌡ Kyodai :
; These ones are followed by a file name and a question mark.
This file already exists. Do you want to erase = ╘∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ▐Στ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ. ╚▌δσΘ≥ φß ≤Γ▐≤σΘ≥ ⌠∩
Are you sure you want to erase = ╙▀π∩⌡±ß Φ▌δσΘ≥ φß ≤Γ▐≤σΘ≥ ⌠∩
Please confirm = ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ σ≡ΘΓσΓß▀∙≤σ
Layout saved as "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout editor and save it under a definitive name. = ╘∩ ≤≈▌ΣΘ∩ ≤■ΦτΩσ ∙≥ "Temporary.lay". ╩▄φσ Ωδ▀Ω ≤⌠∩ "╘±∩≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ≤≈σΣ▀∩⌡" ΩßΘ ≤■≤σ ⌠∩ ∞σ ≤⌡πΩσΩ±Θ∞▌φ∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß.
You haven't finished building the layout yet ! The "Tiles left" indicator must be a multiple of 4... = ─σφ ⌠σδσ▀∙≤σ≥ ⌠τφ Ωß⌠ß≤Ωσ⌡▐ ⌠∩⌡ ≤≈σΣ▀∩⌡ ! ╧ Σσ▀Ω⌠τ≥ "╨δ▄Ωσ≥" ≡±▌≡σΘ φß 'φßΘ ≡∩δδß≡δ▄≤Θ∩ ⌠∩⌡ 4...
This layout is not playable ! Please make more free moves... = ┴⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ≤≈▌ΣΘ∩ Σσφ ≡ß▀µσ⌠ßΘ ! ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ Ω▄φσ ≡σ±Θ≤≤ⁿ⌠σ±σ≥ σδσ²Φσ±σ≥ ΩΘφ▐≤σΘ≥...
No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and made a good score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game will go back one move) = ─σφ ▌≈σΘ≥ ▄δδσ≥ ΩΘφ▐≤σΘ≥. ╚ß ⌠ß ≡ß±ß⌠▐≤σΘ≥ ; (┴φ ß≡ßφ⌠▐≤σΘ≥ ═ßΘ ΩßΘ ▌≈σΘ≥ Ωßδⁿ ≤Ω∩±, Φß ∞≡σΘ≥ ≤⌠∩φ ≡▀φßΩß ⌠∙φ Ωßδ²⌠σ±∙φ. ┴φ ß≡ßφ⌠▐≤σΘ≥ ╝≈Θ, ⌠∩ ≡ßΘ≈φ▀ΣΘ Φß ≡▄σΘ ≡▀≤∙ ∞Θß Ω▀φτ≤τ)
If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to restart your game. Do you wish to continue ? = ┴φ Φσ≥ φß ßδδ▄εσΘ≥ ⌠∩ σ▀Σ∩≥ ≡ßΘ≈φΘΣΘ∩², ≡±▌≡σΘ φß εßφß±≈▀≤σΘ≥ ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ß±≈▐. ╚▌≥ φß ≤⌡φσ≈▀≤σΘ≥ ;
Vertical Variation = ╩▄Φσ⌠τ ≡ß±ßδδßπ▐
Specific Board started. Random Seed # = ╬σΩ▀φτ≤σ ▌φß ≤⌡πΩσΩ±Θ∞▌φ∩ ⌠ß∞≡δ■. ╨ß±⌠▀Σß #
; This one is for showing text like "Layout Traditional selected."
Layout = ╙≈▌ΣΘ∩
selected. = σ≡Θδ▌≈⌠τΩσ.
; This one ends with a Kyodai version number ("for use with Kyodai 6.0"...)
You are trying to play a layout intended for use with = ╨±∩≤≡ßΦσ▀≥ φß ≡ß▀εσΘ≥ ≤≈▌ΣΘ∩ ≡∩⌡ ▌πΘφσ πΘß ⌠∩
; This one end with a URL
Please upgrade Kyodai at = ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ßφßΓ▄Φ∞Θ≤σ ≤⌠∩
; This one says "About Kyodai x.x" in the About Box...
About = ╨σ±Θ ⌠∩⌡
This will launch your Web browser to the Kyodai registration page. Do you want to continue ? = ┴⌡⌠ⁿ Φß ßφ∩▀εσΘ ⌠∩φ Web browser ≤⌠τ ≤σδ▀Σß σππ±ß÷▐≥ ⌠∩⌡ Kyodai. ╚σ≥ φß ≤⌡φσ≈▀≤σΘ≥ ;
You launched Kyodai for the first time ! ;-) = ┼▀φßΘ τ ≡±■⌠τ ÷∩±▄ ≡∩⌡ ≡ß▀µσΘ≥ ⌠∩ Kyodai ! ;-)
SORRY, NO MORE MOVES !! = ╦╒╨┴╠┴╔, ╩┴╠╔┴ ┴╦╦╟ ╩╔═╟╙╟ !!
Do you really want to remove the Hall of Fame entries for this layout ? = ╚σ≥ ≡±▄π∞ß⌠Θ φß ∞τΣσφ▀≤σΘ≥ ⌠∩φ ≡▀φßΩß πΘß ß⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ≤≈▌ΣΘ∩ ;
Thanks again ! You're now registered. = ┼⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠■ ≡▄δΘ ! ╘■±ß σππ±▄÷τΩσ≥.
Sorry, wrong password. Please check out if you entered the user name and password exactly as I gave them to you. = ╦⌡≡▄∞ßΘ, δ▄Φ∩≥ Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ≥. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ Ω∩▀⌠ßεσ ßφ ▌≈σΘ≥ Σ■≤σΘ ⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß ΩßΘ ⌠∩φ Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ ßΩ±ΘΓ■≥ ⁿ≡∙≥ ≤⌠ß ▌Σ∙≤ß.
; This is the registration reminder shown when Kyodai is launched...
If you like Mahjongg Solitaire games, I hope = ┴φ ≤' ß±▌≤∩⌡φ ⌠ß ≡ßΘ≈φ▀ΣΘß Mahjongg Solitaire,
you'll love this version. As a true fan, I worked = σδ≡▀µ∙ φß ≤∩⌡ ß±▌≤σΘ. ┘≥ ÷ßφß⌠ΘΩⁿ≥, Σ∩²δσ°ß
for thousands of hours on it, trying to improve it = ≈ΘδΘ▄Σσ≥ ■±σ≥ πΘ' ß⌡⌠ⁿ, ≡±∩≤≡ßΦ■φ⌠ß≥ φß ⌠∩
every day. If you like Kyodai, please register. = Γσδ⌠Θ■≤∙. ┴φ ≤' ß±▌≤σΘ ⌠∩ Kyodai, σππ±▄°∩⌡.
First, you will get rid you of this message and = ╨±■⌠ß, Φß ÷²πσΘ ß⌡⌠ⁿ ΩßΘ ⌠∩ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß ΩßΘ ⁿδσ≥ ∩Θ
all the reminders during the game, and it will = ⌡≡σφΦ⌡∞▀≤σΘ≥ ⌠∩⌡ ≡ßΘ≈φΘΣΘ∩², ΩßΘ ▌⌠≤Θ Φß ∞σ
help me improve it again. And you won't have to = Γ∩τΦ▐≤σΘ≥ φß ⌠∩ Γσδ⌠Θ■≤∙. ─σφ Φß ≈±σΘß≤⌠σΘ φß
pay anymore for the next versions to come ! = εßφß≡δτ±■≤σΘ≥ πΘß ⁿδσ≥ ⌠Θ≥ σ≡ⁿ∞σφσ≥ σΩΣⁿ≤σΘ≥ !
Kyodai is my only income, so I won't be able to = ╘∩ Kyodai σ▀φßΘ ⌠∩ ∞∩φßΣΘΩⁿ ∞∩⌡ σΘ≤ⁿΣτ∞ß, ΩßΘ Σσφ
work on it forever if you don't pay the registration = Φß ∞≡∩±■ φß ⌠∩ Σ∩⌡δσ²∙ πΘß ≡▄φ⌠ß ▄φ Σσφ σππ±ß÷σ▀≥.
fee. To find out how to register, just go to the Help = ├Θß φß ∞▄ΦσΘ≥ ≡■≥ Φß σππ±ß÷σ▀≥, ≡▄φσ ≤⌠∩ ∞σφ∩²
menu, click on Contents, then Help, and follow the = ┬∩▐ΦσΘß, ∞σ⌠▄ ≤⌠∩ ╨σ±Θσ≈ⁿ∞σφß, ∞σ⌠▄ ╙≈ⁿδΘß, ΩßΘ Σσ≥
instructions. Thanks again, and enjoy this game ! = ⌠Θ≥ ∩Στπ▀σ≥. ╨▄δΘ σ⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠■ ΩßΘ Ωßδ▐ ΣΘß≤Ω▌Σß≤τ !
If you experience any problems, please read the = ┴φ ⌡≡▄±εσΘ Ω▄≡∩Θ∩ ≡±ⁿΓδτ∞ß, ≡ß±ßΩßδ■ ΣΘ▄Γß≤σ
help file extensively before sending a mail ! = ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß Γ∩▐ΦσΘß≥ Ωßδ▄ ≡±▀φ ≤⌠σ▀δσΘ≥ ∞▐φ⌡∞ß !
And remember : Kyodai is 100% customizable ! = ╩ßΘ Φ⌡∞▀≤∩⌡ : ╘∩ Kyodai ≡±∩≤ß±∞ⁿµσ⌠ßΘ 100% !
Make sure you read the help files and the menus ! = ─Θ▄Γß≤σ ⌠ß ß±≈σ▀ß Γ∩▐ΦσΘß≥ ΩßΘ ⌠ß ∞σφ∩² !
; New Text.
Pause = ╨ß²≤τ
Continue = ╙⌡φ▌≈σΘß
Play = ╨ßΘ≈φ▀ΣΘ
Please choose a name for your saved game = ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ΣΘ▄δσεσ ▌φß ⁿφ∩∞ß πΘß ⌠∩ ≤■≤∞σφ∩ ≡ßΘ≈φ▀ΣΘ
Please select the game to load = ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ΣΘ▄δσεσ ⌠∩ ≡ßΘ≈φ▀ΣΘ πΘß ÷ⁿ±⌠∙∞ß
Kyodai game files = ┴±≈σ▀ß ≡ßΘ≈φΘΣΘ∩² Kyodai
This saved game is optimised for = ┴⌡⌠ⁿ ⌠∩ ≤∙≤∞▌φ∩ ≡ßΘ≈φ▀ΣΘ σ▀φßΘ πΘß ⌠∩
; This one is the "HALL OF FAME" you see in the purple panel...
HALL OF = ╨╔═┴╩┴╙
FAME = ╩┴╦╒╘┼╤┘═
; Now here are the Help files of Kyodai. If you don't translate them, leave the lines
; as they are. If you have the courage to translate them, please change the lines from,
; for example, "misc.rtf = misc.rtf" to "misc.rtf = misc-de.rtf" for the German
; version. You can customize the names for the help files, but it would be in the users'
; interest to keep them simple by taking the original file name and adding a country code.
kyodai.rtf = kyodai-gr.rtf
misc.rtf = misc.rtf
menu.rtf = menu.rtf
rules.rtf = rules-gr.rtf
trouble.rtf = trouble.rtf
; This selects a new character set for the current language. It might be useful
; in case your language does not use the default English characters. To find your
; own charset code, select a new font in Kyodai, select its character set, then
; leave Kyodai, open the "Kyo.ini" file and note the number in "FontCharset".
LanguageCharset = 1
MOD music enabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θ▐ΦτΩσ τ ∞∩⌡≤ΘΩ▐ MOD. ╫±σΘ▄µσ⌠ßΘ σ≡ßφσΩΩ▀φτ≤τ πΘß φß σ÷ß±∞∩≤⌠∩²φ ∩Θ ßδδßπ▌≥.
MOD music disabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θ▐ΦτΩσ τ ∞∩⌡≤ΘΩ▐ MOD. ╫±σΘ▄µσ⌠ßΘ σ≡ßφσΩΩ▀φτ≤τ πΘß φß σ÷ß±∞∩≤⌠∩²φ ∩Θ ßδδßπ▌≥.
You need to restart Kyodai before changes are applied. = ╫±σΘ▄µσ⌠ßΘ σ≡ßφσΩΩ▀φτ≤τ πΘß φß σ÷ß±∞∩≤⌠∩²φ ∩Θ ßδδßπ▌≥.
; These are used in the box of the screen when you're pointing a game screenshot
; Originally they were in the language files as "SpeedButton*.Hint"
The recommended resolution is 800x600 or 1024x768 with 65536 colors (16-bit color depth). You can use the fullscreen option in the DirectX settings to choose the resolution. = ╟ ≤⌡φΘ≤⌠■∞σφτ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ σ▀φßΘ 800x600 ▐ 1024x768 ∞σ 65536 ≈±■∞ß⌠ß (16-bit Γ▄Φ∩≥ ≈±■∞ß⌠∩≥). ╠≡∩±σ▀≥ φß ≈±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θ▐≤σΘ≥ ⌠τφ '╨δ▐±τ ∩Φⁿφτ' ≤⌠Θ≥ σ≡Θδ∩π▌≥ DirectX πΘß φß ΣΘßδ▌εσΘ≥ ßφ▄δ⌡≤τ.
DirectX Options = ┼≡Θδ∩π▌≥ DirectX
Please wait... = ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ ≡σ±▀∞σφσ...
Yes = ═ßΘ
No = ╝≈Θ
Cancel = óΩ⌡±∩
Exit = ╕ε∩Σ∩≥
Stop = ╙⌠∩≡
And the winner is... = ╧ φΘΩτ⌠▐≥ σ▀φßΘ ∩...
Network error ! = ╨±ⁿΓδτ∞ß ΣΘΩ⌠²∩⌡ !
Waiting for your opponent to connect... = ┴φß∞∩φ▐ πΘß ≤²φΣσ≤τ ßφ⌠Θ≡▄δ∩⌡...
Waiting for your opponent's answer... = ┴φß∞∩φ▐ ß≡▄φ⌠τ≤τ≥ ßφ⌠Θ≡▄δ∩⌡...
is trying to call you... = ≡±∩≤≡ßΦ▌Θ φß ≤σ Ωßδ▌≤σΘ...
Connected with = ╙²φΣσ≤τ ∞σ
Your opponent has the same user name as you. Please register Kyodai and use your own user name ! = ╧ ßφ⌠▀≡ßδⁿ≥ ≤∩⌡ ▌≈σΘ ⌠∩ ▀ΣΘ∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß ≈±▐≤⌠τ ∞σ ≤▌φß. ╨ß±ßΩßδ■ σππ±▄°∩⌡ ∞σ ⌠∩ ΣΘΩⁿ ≤∩⌡ ∞∩φßΣΘΩⁿ ⁿφ∩∞ß !
Your move has been refused ! = ╟ Ω▀φτ≤▐ ≤∩⌡ ß≡∩±±▀÷ΦτΩσ !